Highlander Pipe Bag Dressing by Gannaway

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Treatment for Gannaway pipe bags to keep them airtight.

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Treatment for Gannaway pipe bags to keep them airtight.

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A treatment for Gannaway pipe bags to keep them airtight.

Gannaway Highlander Pipe Bag Dressing

Keep your Gannaway pipe bag airtight with this glycerin-based dressing. It's designed to draw moisture through the hide pipe bag while keeping the bag full of air. Check the bag regularly for airtightness, every few weeks when in low humidity. Remember that a corked bag should remain full or mostly inflated for about a minute; "airtight" does not mean that a bag remains inflated for hours. If the bag requires seasoning, just a bit will do. You can always add more later.

Don't overdo it on the dressing. Overuse of dressing can cause more problems than it solves and can reduce the bag's longevity.

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