Cobbler's Wax

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Traditional Cobbler's Black Wax

Go traditional with this handmade shoemaker's wax. This cobbler's wax is formed from a special combination of pine rosin, beeswax, and pitch. When you want your hemp tacky, this wax is ideal. Pull several inches of hemp through the wax before winding, and it will prevent the hemp from slipping or spinning. It's also very effective for fitting mounts on pipes or for securing drone reeds in reed seats. It comes as one or several pieces wrapped in a waxed paper packet.

Black Cobbler's Wax (sizes of pieces vary) Black Cobbler's Wax (sizes of pieces vary)

Traditional Cobbler's Black Wax

Go traditional with this handmade shoemaker's wax. This cobbler's wax is formed from a special combination of pine rosin, beeswax, and pitch. When you want your hemp tacky, this wax is ideal. Pull several inches of hemp through the wax before winding, and it will prevent the hemp from slipping or spinning. It's also very effective for fitting mounts on pipes or for securing drone reeds in reed seats. It comes as one or several pieces wrapped in a waxed paper packet.