Black Waxed Hemp 2oz

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Economical 2oz roll of sturdy hemp prewaxed with cobbler's wax. It is tackier than yellow hemp with beeswax, therefore, ideal for hemping joints that require a tighter seal.

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Economical 2oz roll of sturdy hemp prewaxed with cobbler's wax. It is tackier than yellow hemp with beeswax, therefore, ideal for hemping joints that require a tighter seal.

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Economical 2oz roll of sturdy hemp prewaxed with cobbler's wax. It is tackier than yellow hemp with beeswax, therefore, ideal for hemping joints that require a tighter seal.

Black Waxed Bagpipe Hemp

This hemp been precoated with black wax.  A good supply comes on this 2 oz. roll. Black waxed hemp is great for moisture-sensitive areas, like blowpipes and watertraps. It's also perfect for fitting mouthpieces and loose mounts, tying bridles on cane reeds, and wrapping drone reed tenons for a secure fit in the reed seat.

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